Tag: filter

stream limit filter

Stream limit filter Java Challenge

To manipulate data from a collection by using a stream is handy and cleaner. To learn how to use streams will make your Java code much better. To know how to limit to filter data with streams is crucial for you to do something useful with a stream...

optional ofNullable filter

Soprano ofNullable stream Challenge

Since Java 9, it’s possible to use Optional with a stream in case we need to manipulate values from a List. In this Java Challenge, we will explore the use of a stream in an Optional! Are you ready to solve this Java Challenge? If you want to...

parallel stream

Parallel Streams Java Challenge

Using streams concurrently with the parallel method is a good idea to optimize performance. It’s not always that we can use the parallel method, for example, when we depend on the order of logic execution. However, when we can process the...