21 Incredible Chatbot GPT Use Cases to Save You Time: A Comprehensive Guide

Artificial Inteligence ChatGPT

AI is a powerful science that has evolved a lot throughout the years and one tool that can clearly show that is the Chat GPT. There are self-driving cars, the amazing AlphaZero AI that learned chess very quickly and was able to beat an application that was specialized in that. Soon enough there will be the next great revolution in the industry, lots of jobs will be replaced by AI and we will need to adapt.

So far the most powerful tool I used for AI that is not dumb is Chat GPT, I am quite impressed with the precise answers it’s able to provide. It can even solve complex problems by writing the whole code in any programming language. Not using this powerful tool is such a waste and that’s why I am creating this article so you can use Chat GPT for the best of your benefit.

How to Use Chat GPT?

It’s easy, Chat GPT is a website if you are using your Desktop computer. In that case, you have to access the following link:

Then you create your account and you can use your Google or Microsoft account to get registered. Then, you can start using and making your questions to Chat GPT.

If you want to use Chat GPT on your phone, you will need to download the app first.

Is it worth it to Upgrade Chat GPT?

The free version of Chat GPT is quite powerful already, but if you want even more power and knowledge, you can upgrade to the Plus version. You will get more sophisticated answers to your questions, and you will be able to solve more complicated and specific problems. A friend told me that the free version of Chat GPT is like asking a 15-year-old, while the Chat GPT Plus is like asking a 40-year-old.

How Does Chat GPT Work from Behind the Scenes?

Chat GPT is a large language model based on deep learning algorithms. It processes natural language input by breaking it down into mathematical representations called embeddings. It uses its trained algorithms to generate a response by selecting appropriate words and phrases. Chat GPT improves over time by learning from user input and feedback.

To learn if bit more, watch the following video:

1 – Plan Your Travel

You can ask Chat GPT to plan your travel. That’s so handy and saves you a lot of time because you don’t need to do a lot of research. For example, let’s suppose I want to go to London, I can ask the following:

Question to Chat GPT:
I will go to London for 2 days. Can you plan my travel with the most amazing things I can do there?

Chat GPT answer:


  • Start your day early by visiting the iconic Tower Bridge and Tower of London. You can take a guided tour of the Tower of London and learn about its rich history as a royal palace, fortress, and prison.


  • From there, take a stroll along the Thames River and visit the famous Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre.
  • For lunch, head to Borough Market, one of London’s oldest and most famous food markets, and try some of the delicious street food.


  • After lunch, head to the British Museum and explore its vast collection of art and artifacts from around the world.
  • End your day by taking a ride on the London Eye and enjoying the panoramic views of the city from above.

2 – Create Code to Solve a Specific Problem

It’s possible to ask ChatGPT to even create complex code solutions for very specific problems, we just need to write it in detail for her.

I will show you a simple example of code that ChatGPT can create.

Question to Chat GPT:
Create a Java program that reads files from the root partition of any Linux Ubuntu machine and then print all of the file names and size.

import java.io.File;

public class ReadFiles {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        File directory = new File("/");

        // Get all the files in the directory
        File[] files = directory.listFiles();

        // Print the name and size of each file
        for (File file : files) {
            if (file.isFile()) {
                System.out.println("File name: " + file.getName() + " , Size: " + file.length());

You can ask Chat GPT to even create a whole microservice for you. You can ask to make a code more secure. You can get an existing method code and ask Chat GPT to create Unit Tests. Chat GPT really understands your code and is able to create the solution you want. Therefore, let’s see more examples of questions:

More Chat GPT Questions:

Create unit tests for the following code:
Your method code here…

Create a UI code with React that shows the price of products in a data table.

Create a microservice with Quarkus that is secure and will insert, update, delete, and retrieve information from products.

Your creativity is the limit, try out different questions and use ChatGPT to save you lots of time when coding.

3 – Ask for a Free Consultation

You can ask for tips for your health or anything else you want to improve. If you want to gain muscles in the gym you can simply ask:

Question to ChatGPT:
How to gain more muscles in the gym?

ChatGPT Answer:
Lift weights: Focus on lifting weights that are heavy enough to challenge your muscles, but not so heavy that you can’t maintain proper form. Aim to lift weights 2-4 times per week.

Focus on compound exercises: Compound exercises are movements that engage multiple muscle groups at once, such as squats, deadlifts, bench press, and pull-ups. These exercises are great for building overall muscle mass.

Increase your protein intake: Protein is essential for building and repairing muscle tissue. Aim to consume 1-1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight per day.

Eat a balanced diet: Make sure you’re consuming enough calories to support muscle growth and focus on eating a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats.

Get enough rest: Your muscles need time to rest and recover after a workout. Aim to get 7-9 hours of sleep per night, and take rest days as needed.

The answers from ChatGPT will be mostly precise because AI reads tons of books and absorbed lots of information. Therefore, chances are that ChatGPT will give you a reasonable answer.

4 – Write sections of an Article or even a Book

ChatGPT can easily write a section of an article. You just need to ask for it. For example, let me ask what are the most useful things I can do with ChatGPT, and let’s see what is the answer.

Question to ChatGPT:
What are the most amazing things that can be done with ChatGPT?

ChatGPT Answer:
Answering questions: Chat GPT can answer a vast array of questions on virtually any topic, from history and science to current events and pop culture.

Generating creative writing: ChatGPT can generate creative writing, including poetry, short stories, and even entire books.

Language translation: Chat GPT can translate text from one language to another with impressive accuracy, allowing for easier communication and understanding between people who speak different languages.

Chatbot: ChatGPT can function as a chatbot, engaging in natural language conversations with users and providing helpful responses.

Personalized recommendations: ChatGPT can analyze user preferences and behavior to make personalized recommendations for products, services, or content.

Writing assistance: ChatGPT can help with writing tasks, offering suggestions for grammar, syntax, and sentence structure.

Voice assistance: ChatGPT can function as a voice assistant, responding to voice commands and performing tasks such as scheduling appointments and setting reminders.

Educational tool: ChatGPT can serve as an educational tool, providing interactive lessons and quizzes on various subjects.

5 – Ask Chat GPT to format and Refine Your Text

Sometimes we write emails, messages, and articles in a rush and the text format or the grammar is not so good. Fortunately, we can also ask ChatGPT to help us with that.

Let’s see the following example.

Question to ChatGPT:
Refine and add more context to the following text in 3 lines of text:

AI will create a big impact on the world very soon.

ChatGPT Answer:
AI is a rapidly developing technology that has the potential to change the world in a significant way. As AI systems continue to improve, they are expected to play an increasingly important role in fields such as healthcare, finance, and transportation. However, it is important to address ethical concerns and ensure that AI is used in ways that benefit society as a whole.

Refine the following text and make it more interesting:

ChatGPT Answer:
Wait for people to finish their sentences, and be genuinely curious about what the other person does. Don’t criticize people, don’t think you are always right, and avoid arguments as you avoid snakes.

Active listening and genuine curiosity are essential to building meaningful relationships. Instead of interrupting people, take the time to wait for them to finish their thoughts and express a genuine interest in their lives. Criticizing others and assuming you are always right only serves to create division and negativity, while avoiding arguments can help preserve relationships and maintain a sense of harmony. So, let’s approach conversations with an open mind and an eagerness to learn, and always remember to handle disagreements with grace and respect.

6 – Create Songs

ChatGPT is also creative and you can ask her to make any song you want. To demonstrate how that works, let’s see the following.

Question for ChatGPT:
Create a rap song on what Steve Jobs would say from Apple right now.

ChatGPT Answer:
Verse 1:
I’m Steve Jobs, back from the dead,
And Apple’s still on top, just like I said.
We’re making moves, breaking rules,
Innovation’s the game, and we don’t lose.

Think different, that’s our motto,
Apple’s still the king, and we won’t stop though.
We’re pushing boundaries, breaking through walls,
Steve Jobs and Apple, we stand tall.

Verse 2:
We’ve got iPhones, iPads, and MacBooks too,
Our products are sleek, they’re built for you.
Our software’s smooth, it’s second to none,
Our designs are legendary, they can’t be outdone.

7 – Ask to Explain in Simple Words What is an Badly Written Code

Software engineers will use this feature more often. Sometimes we see code that is almost unreadable, ChatGPT will be a great help to analyze this code.

To do so, simply make the following question to ChatGPT.

Explain in simple words what the following code means:

// Your code....

8 – Create email Templates

Simply ask ChatGPT to create the email template in the way you like the most as the following.

Question to Chat GPT:
Generate a fun email template

ChatGPT answer:
Sure, here’s a fun email template you can use:

Subject Line: [Insert fun and catchy subject line here]

Hey [Recipient’s First Name]!

[Opening sentence that sets the tone of the email and shows enthusiasm]

[Body of the email: This is where you can let your personality shine and inject some humor into the message. You can use colorful language and even emojis if appropriate, but make sure to keep it professional and avoid any offensive jokes. Consider using a list or a story to keep the reader engaged.]

[Call-to-action: This is where you can ask the recipient to do something fun or interesting, like share a joke or a favorite meme, or join you for a virtual game night. Keep it light and casual, and don’t be afraid to show your own sense of humor.]

[Closing sentence: Wrap up the email with a fun sign-off that matches the tone of the message. Thank the recipient for their time and consideration, and express your excitement for future interactions.]


[Your Name]

[Optional: Your title, company name, and contact information]

9 – Brainstorm Ideas

ChatGPT is creative, therefore, if you need to name something or need ideas for anything, you can ask ChatGPT.

Let’s see an example.

Question to ChatGPT:
Sure, here are 5 more name ideas for a company that produces Java code quizzes and helps developers in their careers.

ChatGPT answer:
Certainly, here are 5 more name ideas for a company that produces Java code quizzes and helps developers in their careers:


10 – Summarize Books or big texts

I tested this with a couple of books and it works like a charm. If you don’t want to read a specific book or just want an overall idea you can ask ChatGPT to give you that.

Question to ChatGPT:
Summarize the book How to Win Friends & Influence People.

ChatGPT Answer:
The book is divided into four parts. In Part One, Carnegie emphasizes the importance of understanding people’s needs and interests and encourages readers to listen actively and show genuine interest in others.

In Part Two, the focus shifts to how to make people like you. Carnegie suggests various techniques, such as giving sincere compliments, remembering people’s names, and being a good listener.

Part Three is about how to win people over to your way of thinking. Carnegie stresses the importance of empathy, understanding the other person’s perspective, and framing your ideas in a way that appeals to their interests.

Finally, Part Four is about leadership and how to inspire others. Carnegie argues that effective leaders are those who make people feel valued and appreciated, and who inspire others to achieve their full potential.

11 – Ask for Series or Movies Recommendations

There are so many bad movies and series that if we don’t get a recommendation chances are that we will watch them. ChatGPT can give help on that with recommendations. Let’s see what question can be done in this case.

Question to ChatGPT:
Which is the best movie of all time?

ChatGPT answer:
Some movies have gained widespread critical acclaim and popularity over time, such as “The Godfather,” “Citizen Kane,” “Gone with the Wind,” “Schindler’s List,” “The Shawshank Redemption,” and “The Wizard of Oz.”

Question to ChatGPT:
Which is the best series of all time?

ChatGPT answer:
Some television series have gained widespread critical acclaim and popularity over time, such as “Breaking Bad,” “The Sopranos,” “The Wire,” “Game of Thrones,” “Friends,” “The Simpsons,” “The Office,” “Stranger Things,” and “Mad Men,”

Question to ChatGPT:
Which is the best sci-fi movie of all time?

ChatGPT answer:
Some of the best sci-fi movies of all time that have gained widespread critical acclaim and popularity include “Blade Runner,” “The Matrix,” “2001: A Space Odyssey,” “Star Wars” (the original trilogy), “Alien,” “Terminator 2: Judgment Day,” “E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial,” “Inception,” “Interstellar,” and “The Terminator.”

12 – Play Games with ChatGPT

It’s possible to test your history knowledge by playing Trivia with ChatGPT to see you you guess her questions. I asked directly ChatGPT with the following question.

Question to ChatGPT:
What games can we play here?

ChatGPT answer:
Hangman: In this game, I will choose a word, and you have to guess the letters of the word one by one until you have correctly guessed the entire word. However, if you guess a letter that is not in the word, you will lose a life. You have a limited number of lives to guess the word correctly.

20 Questions: In this game, you think of an object, and I will try to guess what it is by asking yes or no questions. You can only respond with “yes,” “no,” or “I don’t know” to my questions.

Trivia: In this game, I will ask you questions about different topics, such as history, science, movies, or sports, and you have to answer them correctly. We can take turns asking each other questions, or I can generate random questions for you.

Storytelling: In this game, we take turns adding to a story, with each person adding a sentence or two to continue the narrative. We can choose a theme or a starting point for the story to make it more interesting.

Would You Rather: In this game, I will give you two options, and you have to choose which one you would rather do or have. The options can be silly or serious, and we can take turns asking each other questions.

Let’s see how we can start playing “Would you rather”.

Question to ChatGPT:
Let’s play would you rather

Answer from ChatGPT:
Would you rather spend a day at the beach or in the mountains?

My answer to ChatGPT:

13 – Summarize Books

We don’t have much time to read books, therefore, we must carefully choose the books we will read. A super reader will read an average of 6,400 books. That’s why it’s very useful to summarize some books to get the best information from them without reading the whole book. Let’s try that for the Rich Dar Poor Dad book:

Question to ChatGPT:
Summarize the rich dad poor dad book

Answer from ChatGPT:
Rich Dad Poor Dad is a book written by Robert T. Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter which advocates the importance of financial literacy, financial independence, and building wealth through investing in assets, real estate investing, starting and owning businesses, as well as increasing one’s financial intelligence ⁽¹⁾⁽²⁾⁽³⁾.

It tells the story of a boy with two fathers, one rich and one poor, to help readers develop the mindset and financial knowledge they need to build a life of wealth and freedom ⁽¹⁾. The two dads are a parable for two different approaches to wealth: Poor Dad recommends getting a secure job with good benefits and retiring with a pension, while Rich Dad recommends amassing assets that make money for you, becoming financially literate, and practicing independent thinking

14 – Translate Text to Multiple Languages

There is Google Translator that does that already but ChatGPT can translate text into multiple languages. Let’s see an example:

Question to ChatGPT:
Translate the following into Chinese, Portuguese, and Spanish:
Learn from yesterday, live for today, and hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.

Answer from ChatGPT:

Aprenda com ontem, viva para hoje, tenha esperança para amanhã. O importante é nunca parar de questionar.

Aprende del ayer, vive el presente, ten esperanza para el mañana. Lo importante es no dejar de hacer preguntas.

15 – Sumarize Large Documents

With ChatGPT it’s possible to summarize large documents by doing the following.

Question to ChatGPT:
Summarize the following text:
Your text with more than 100 lines…

Answer from ChatGPT:
Your text summarized…

16 – Generate Movie Script

ChatGPT is able to create a script from a movie, or series, you name it really quickly and creatively. Let’s see an example.

Question to ChatGPT:
Create a mini-movie script where Duke the Java mascot wants to save Java the programming language.

Answer from ChatGPT:

Duke, the Java mascot, sits at his desk surrounded by computer screens, Java books, and code snippets. He looks up at the clock, noticing it’s late.

(to himself)
I can’t believe it’s already 7 pm. I’ve been working on this code all day, and I still can’t get it to work.

Suddenly, a notification pops up on his computer screen.

Attention Java developers! Java is in danger, and we need your help to save it. A new programming language is gaining popularity, and if we don’t act soon, Java could become obsolete.

Duke jumps out of his chair, determined to save Java…

(to himself)
No way am I letting that happen. Java is the best programming language out there, and I’m going to prove it.

The story continues but I removed it from here to not extend the article too much…

16 – Create Jokes

If you are feeling bored you can ask ChatGPT to create a joke for you about any subject. Let’s try it out. The only thing to keep in mind is that all jokes are politically correct, therefore, don’t expect much from ChatGPT jokes.

Question to ChatGPT:
Tell me the best joke you have.

Answer from ChatGPT:
Sure, here’s a classic one that always makes people laugh:

Why did the tomato turn red?
Because it saw the salad dressing!

17 – Get Specific Data from Text

Sometimes it’s necessary to get a piece of information from a very long text and that might take some time. Fortunately, ChatGPT does this work, let’s see how.

Question to ChatGPT:
Extract from the following text how the second world war started:

Answer from ChatGPT:
The Second World War began on September 1, 1939, when Nazi Germany, led by Adolf Hitler, invaded Poland. The United Kingdom and France declared war on Germany on September 3. Germany had made treaties with the Soviet Union to partition Poland and marked out their “spheres of influence” across other countries, and from 1939 to 1941, in a series of campaigns and treaties, Germany conquered or controlled much of continental Europe. The war continued primarily between the European Axis powers and the British Empire, with the Eastern Front opening when Germany led the European Axis powers in an invasion of the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941. Japan was already at war with the Republic of China by 1937, and in December 1941, it attacked American and British territories, including Pearl Harbor, resulting in the United States and the United Kingdom declaring war against Japan. The European Axis powers declared war on the United States in solidarity.

18 – Get Food Recipes More

It’s very easy to get food recipe on ChatGPT, you just need to ask whatever the food you want. Let’s do a simulation.

Question to ChatGPT:
What is the recipe for the Brazilian carrot cake?

Answer from ChatGPT:
Brazilian carrot cake, or “bolo de cenoura,” is a delicious and easy-to-make cake that is popular in Brazil. Here is a recipe:

3 medium-sized carrots (about 300g)

For the icing:
4 tablespoons butter

Preheat your oven to 180°C (350°F) and grease a round cake pan…

(I removed most of the instructions to not make this article too extensive).

19 – Refine or created your CV

ChatGPT can create a CV for most well-known companies and for small companies you will have to detail a bit more about what it does. Let’s see an example though to create a CV for Nintendo:

cv chatgpt

20 – ChatGPT as a Personal Stylist

If you have an important event to go but you don’t know what clothes to wear, ChatGPT can help you with that. Let’s see an example:

Question to ChatGPT:
What clothes should I wear to my sister wedding in one paragraph?

Answer from ChatGPT:
The appropriate attire for your sister’s wedding will depend on the dress code specified on the wedding invitation. If there is no specified dress code, consider the venue and time of day of the wedding. As a general rule, men should wear a suit or dress pants with a dress shirt and tie for a formal or semi-formal wedding, while women can wear a long dress or a cocktail dress. It’s always a good idea to avoid wearing white or anything too casual or revealing. Ultimately, it’s important to dress respectfully and tastefully for your sister’s wedding, while also feeling comfortable and confident in your outfit.

21 – Play RPG (Role Playing Game) with ChatGPT

Have you ever played Dungeon and Dragons RPG game with a book? ChatGPT can play this game with you and that’s a fun game because your imagination can go wild. Let’s see how to play it.

Question to ChatGPT:
Let’s play an RPG game where I am a knight who has to slay a very powerful dragon. I don’t have the weapon to do so, therefore, I need to seek for the legendary sword to slay the dragon.

Answer from ChatGPT:
Great, let’s begin! You find yourself in a lush forest, armed with your basic sword and armor, on a quest to find the legendary sword that can slay the dragon. You have heard rumors that the sword is located in a nearby cave, guarded by a group of fierce trolls.

What would you like to do first?

The story continues based on the answers we give to ChatGPT…

More Power than ChatGPT Only?

There is an app that joins most AI apps in one platform which is really powerful because if you don’t have the answer you are expecting in one app, you will get it in another one. Or you can use the other AI platforms to complement whatever you are researching.

This is the link to have access to all those AI platforms:

Then you will have access to Sage, Claude+, Claude-Instant, ChatGPT, NeevaAI, and Dragonfly.


Even though AI is extremely powerful, not always it will give us the correct answer. Therefore, we must use the tool but always verify the given answer to see if it’s true, and don’t fully trust it because the AI apps themselves inform us that not always they will be right.

Use AI, and get the full benefit from it because it’s really a very powerful technology and it will change a lot of things in the market and life in general.

Written by
Rafael del Nero
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