MVC Pattern with Java

mvc design pattern
mvc design pattern

The MVC (Model View Controller) pattern divides the code into three layers, Model which is the layer where there is the business data class, we can also say model class or even domain class. Then the View layer is the front-end application which will have the user interface where the user will be able to interact with the system. Finally, there is the Controller layer which is an intermediate between the View and Model layers that will orchestrate invocations.

Let’s  analyze the following diagram to make the MVC pattern clear:

mvc pattern

As you can see in the diagram above, we are using the MVC pattern that basically separates the application into different layers.

This is a great example of encapsulation, each layer is responsible for dealing with one responsibility, the view layer will interact with the user, and the controller layer will orchestrate method invocations between the view and the model layer. The model layer will deal with business logic and database interaction.

If you want to explore the MVC pattern further, you can check the full code at the following link MVC Pattern Code.

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Written by
Rafael del Nero
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