Tag: collectionfactory

stream predicate search

Neo Stream Search Java Challenge

Understanding the mechanics of the functional interface Predicate of a Stream is crucial if you want to create something meaningful with streams. On this challenge, we will explore important key methods when we work with a stream so that it becomes...

map collection factory

Map Collection Factory Java Challenge

In Java 9 we can use Collection Factory with List, Set, or Map. This makes code more concise and easier to read because we don’t need to add element per element in the Map. Therefore, it’s time to try this fun Java Challenge! Are you...

streams set

Streams Set Distinct Java Challenge

Using streams, and Set Collection Factory methods with Java make code easier to read and maintain. By using those features we can also make it more difficult for bugs to hide. If you can use the latest LTS (Long-term support) Java version in your...

Java 9 Collection Factory Methods

Java 9 Collection Factory Methods

Learn the Collection Factory methods concepts from Java 9. Learn concepts from the most recent Java versions by taking the challenges and having fun at the same time. Also, improve your range of Java skills so you can produce better code.