Tag: time complexity

logarithm time complexity

Logarithm Time Complexity

The logarithm time complexity is present in many algorithms and it’s very effective. Therefore, it’s important to understand how it works so we can know how performant the algorithm that has this time complexity is. In simple words, a...

big o notation

Big (O) Notation Explanation

The Big(O) Notation is a fundamental concept to help us measure the time complexity and space complexity of the algorithm. In other words, it helps us measure how performant and how much storage and computer resources an algorithm uses. Also, in any...

array data structure

Array Data Structure with Java

The array data structure is probably the most used in every application. If not directly used it’s indirectly used with ArrayList, ArrayDeque, Vector, and other classes. Simply put, an array is a data structure that stores multiple variables...

selection sort

Selection Sort with Java

The Selection sort is not the most performant but it’s an easy one to implement. Simply put, the selection sort will have two subarrays. The sorted part in the left, and the unsorted part is on the right. The selection sort will select the...

Insertion sort Java

Insertion Sort with Java

The insertion sort is one of the simplest sorting algorithms available. It’s also one of the least efficient in terms of performance. The insertion algorithm will go through the whole array with the index i starting with 1 and then sort...