Optional takeWhile dropWhile Challenge

Optional takeWhile dropWhile

The Optional concept is present in many other programming languages. The main goal of the Optional class is to avoid NullPointerException. It’s much easier to deal with null values when we use the concepts of an Optional. In this challenge, we will also explore the takeWhile and dropWhile methods from Java 9. Therefore you will be fixing your knowledge with Optional, takeWhile, and dropWhile!

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It's time to improve your Java skills with this Optional TakeDropWhile Challenge

Optional TakeDropWhile Challenge

What will happen in the following code? Optional takeWhile

Written by
Rafael del Nero
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    • The list is not ordered!

      So after the “takeWhile” operation you are left only with 10. 1 is not higher then 5 and operation stops there.
      Then the “dropWhile” operation drops all what is left – so that 10 gets removed as its higher then 9.

      So the stream is empty and the value in “or” is returned.

  • The sample isn’t the best here – if you use one of the “or” operators for returning an alternative value and you know what the concrete value is (777 in the example), then you shouldn’t wrap it in the optional but just use the “orElse” so its not wrapped unnecessary.

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