Tag: Exception

ATTACHMENT DETAILS godOfWar-Exception-Value-Greek-Gods-Challenge

Exception Value Greek Gods Challenge

When there is a tricky bug in a Java application, knowing how edge-case situations happen makes all the difference. That’s because bugs usually happen because of edge-case scenarios. In this challenge there is an edge-case coding situation, do...

exception chaos

Exception Chaos Java Challenge

To go deeper and know how to use Exceptions in a real project, you can read the following article: 11 Mistakes Java Developers Make when Using Exceptions If you have any questions about this Java Challenge, don’t hesitate to leave a question...

Java 9 try with resources

Java 9 try catch Error Exception

Use try catch with Exception and Error by using the new try with resources feature from Java 9 by not declaring the Exception into the try block! Take this Java Challenger and be able to use the full power of it! Master recent Java versions by...